Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX
Tunji Adeniyi-Jones Tranquil Dive
Morán Morán is pleased to announce Tunji Adeniyi-Jones’ second solo exhibition with the gallery and his first in Mexico City, titled Tranquil Dive, which presents his most recent paintings on canvas and paper. The works in this exhibition veer toward a warmer palette and expansive compositions that measure figure and ground equally so that the narrative becomes further veiled. His stylized aesthetic is still prominent and his figures remain androgynous, at one with their lushly dense landscape, yet in this series the perspective has shifted.
With four large-scale oil paintings on canvas, Adeniyi-Jones images his multiple protagonists as if seen from above (or below, depending on interpretation) rather than from the side-view silhouette employed in earlier works. The effect of seeing a figure’s upturned face, shoulders, and arms emerging through thick vegetation implies levitation; these charters are now flying or diving through their environment breaching a canopy of ornamental leaves. In addition to the artist’s Yoruban foundation of imagery, there is a nod in these works to the fantastical patterns associated with the Arts and Crafts movement. With a root in Modernism, this movement aimed to combine human ingenuity with nature’s spectacle to forward a vision of utopia.
Adeniyi-Jones adds to this “diving” series a grouping of six small-scale paintings and three works on paper. Here, the artist experiments with washes and marks that introduce levity and looseness to his typically mannered images. Influenced by the immediacy of the printmaking techniques that are inherent in creating aquatints and monotypes, these works, in their quick medium application, produce incredibly vibrant and animated scenes – a bit more spare, and very direct in their reading. Inspired by his time spent in Mexico City, as well as the cultural masterworks he encountered, with this exhibition Adeniyi-Jones pays homage to Mexico’s historical mural tradition alongside his own cultural heritage.
Morán Morán se complace en anunciar la segunda exposición individual de Tunji Adeniyi-Jones con la galería y la primera en Ciudad de México, titulada Tranquil Dive, que presenta sus pinturas más recientes sobre tela y papel. Las obras de esta exposición se inclinan hacia una paleta más cálida y composiciones expansivas que miden por igual la figura y el fondo, de modo que la narrativa queda aún más velada. Su estética estilizada sigue siendo prominente y sus figuras siguen siendo andróginas, en armonía con su exuberante y denso paisaje, aunque en esta serie la perspectiva ha cambiado.
Con cuatro grandes óleos sobre tela, Adeniyi-Jones representa a sus múltiples protagonistas como si los viera desde arriba (o desde abajo, según la interpretación), en lugar de desde la silueta lateral empleada en obras anteriores. El efecto de ver el rostro, los hombros y los brazos levantados de una figura emergiendo a través de la espesa vegetación implica levitación; estos personajes están ahora volando o buceando a través de su entorno abriéndose paso entre un dosel de hojas ornamentales. Además de la base yoruba de la imaginería del artista, en estas obras hay un guiño a los patrones fantásticos asociados con el movimiento Arts and Crafts. Con raíces en el Modernismo, este movimiento pretendía combinar el ingenio humano con el espectáculo de la naturaleza para impulsar una visión de la utopía.
Adeniyi-Jones añade a esta serie de “inmersiones” una agrupación de seis pinturas de pequeño formato y tres obras sobre papel. Aquí, el artista experimenta con lavados y marcas que introducen ligereza y soltura a sus imágenes típicamente amaneradas. Influenciadas por la inmediatez de las técnicas de grabado inherentes a la creación de aguatintas y monotipos, estas obras, en su rápida aplicación del medio, producen escenas increíblemente vibrantes y animadas, un poco más parcas y muy directas en su lectura. Inspirado por su estancia en Ciudad de México, así como por las obras maestras culturales que encontró, con esta exposición Adeniyi-Jones rinde homenaje a la tradición mural histórica de México junto a su propia herencia cultural.
February 07 - March 22, 2023Opening Reception
Tuesday, February 07, 6-8pmLocation
Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Installation Views
All images: Tranquil Dive, 2023, installation views. Photographs by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Tranquil Dive, 2023
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Triple Dive Red, 2023
Oil on canvas
68 x 92 inches, canvas size (172.7 x 233.7 cm, canvas size)
70 1/4 x 94 1/4 x 4 1/2, framed (178.4 x 239.4 x 11.4 cm, framed)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Triple Dive Red II, 2023
Oil on canvas
68 x 92 inches, canvas size (172.7 x 233.7 cm, canvas size)
70 1/4 x 94 1/4 x 4 1/2, framed (178.4 x 239.4 x 11.4 cm, framed)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Yellow Quartet, 2023
Watercolor, ink, acrylic and gouache on canvas mounted on panel
40 x 30 inches
(101.6 x 76.2 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Amber Sky, 2023
Watercolor, ink, acrylic and gouache on canvas mounted on panel
40 x 30 inches
(101.6 x 76.2 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Amber Sky II, 2023
Watercolor, ink, acrylic and gouache on canvas mounted on panel
40 x 30 inches
(101.6 x 76.2 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Violet Sky II, 2023
Watercolor, ink, acrylic and gouache on canvas mounted on panel
40 x 30 inches
(101.6 x 76.2 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Emergent Properties III, 2022
Watercolor, ink, acrylic and gouache on paper
19 x 14 1/4 x 1 1/2 inches, framed
(48.3 x 36.2 x 3.8 cm, framed)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Emergent Properties VI, 2022
Watercolor, ink, acrylic and gouache on paper
19 1/4 x 14 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches, framed
(48.9 x 36.8 x 3.8 cm, framed)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Emergent Properties VIII, 2022
Watercolor, ink, acrylic and gouache on paper
18 3/4 x 15 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches, framed
(47.6 x 39.4 x 3.8 cm, framed)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX