Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX
Joan Semmel Recent Work
Morán Morán is pleased to announce Joan Semmel’s first solo exhibition with the gallery and her first exhibition in Mexico City, which brings together a selection of the most compelling examples of her recent work. The twelve paintings in the show, all oil on canvas, span from 2018 to 2021 and vary in size from small to large scale, exemplifying a prolific time in her career as she prepared for her first retrospective held at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, on view through April 2022.
Each piece in this exhibition presents an architecture of female anatomy from a range of vantage points, sometimes sculpturally intimate and sometimes boldly visceral, translated through a painterly approach using an abstract palette. In one piece, titled Armed (2020), a violet shadowed and carefully executed hand and forearm helps to locate the rest of a pale green body that, without the representational appendage, might be mostly illegible. Another work, called Joined at the Hip (2021), depicts two bodies, or perhaps it is one body reflected. In this composition, one torso is fleshed in a realistic way, color-wise, and the other is darkly rendered in blue. This piece alludes to contrasts and dualities, both in the physical sense of light and shadow, but also in the metaphorical dichotomy of positive and negative.
Since the 1970s, Semmel has worked with imaging the female body, exploring every facet of its existence and perception, from erotic to stark realism, in a broad consideration of feminism as well as the singular experience of her own body. Throughout the decades, her depictions have served as a testament to female identity, sexuality, and the process of aging. Using loose brushstrokes and a full spectrum of vibrant colors, her works traverse a fleshy landscape of postures and proportions illuminating her practice of expressive feminist figuration.
Joan Semmel (b. 1932, New York, NY) lives and works in New York. She received both her BFA and MFA from Pratt Institute, graduating in 1972. Her work has been featured in exhibitions at Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Germany (2018); Jewish Museum, New York (2018); Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2016); Brooklyn Museum, New York (2016); Dallas Contemporary, Texas (2016); Museum of Modern Art, New York (2014); National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC (2014); Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Germany (2013); and the Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York (2013). Semmel’s work is in permanent collections at the Art Institute of Chicago, IL; Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY; Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX; Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY; Tate, London, United Kingdom; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, and many others.
Morán Morán se complace en presentar la primera exposición individual de Joan Semmel con la galería y su primera exposición en la Ciudad de México, que reúne una selección de los ejemplos más fascinantes de su obra reciente. Las doce pinturas de la muestra, todas óleos sobre tela, abarcan desde el 2018 hasta el 2021 y varían en tamaño; de pequeña a gran escala, ejemplificando un momento prolífico en la carrera de la artista mientras se preparaba para su primera retrospectiva celebrada en la Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, que se podrá ver hasta abril de 2022.
Cada una de las piezas de esta exposición presenta una arquitectura de la anatomía femenina desde distintos puntos de vista, a veces esculturalmente íntimos y a veces audazmente viscerales, traducidos a través de un enfoque pictórico con una paleta abstracta. En una obra, titulada Armed (2020), una mano y un antebrazo sombreados en color violeta ayudan a localizar el resto de un cuerpo verde pálido que, sin el elemento figurativo, podría ser casi ilegible. Otra obra, llamada Joined at the Hip (2021), representa dos cuerpos, o tal vez sea un cuerpo reflejado. En esta composición, uno de los toros tiene un color realista y el otro está representado en azul. Esta pieza alude a los contrastes y las dualidades, tanto en el sentido físico de la luz y la sombra, como en la dicotomía metafórica de lo positivo y lo negativo.
Desde la década de 1970, Semmel ha trabajado con la imagen del cuerpo femenino, explorando todas las facetas de su existencia y percepción, desde el erotismo hasta el realismo descarnado, en una amplia consideración del feminismo así como de la experiencia singular de su propio cuerpo. A lo largo de las décadas, sus representaciones han servido de testimonio de la identidad femenina, la sexualidad y el proceso de envejecimiento. Utilizando pinceladas sueltas y un amplio espectro de colores vibrantes, sus obras atraviesan un paisaje carnoso de posturas y proporciones que iluminan su práctica de la figuración feminista expresiva.
Joan Semmel (1932, Nueva York) vive y trabaja en Nueva York. Recibió su BFA y MFA del Pratt Institute, graduándose en 1972. Su obra ha sido expuesta en la Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Alemania (2018); Jewish Museum, Nueva York (2018); Whitney Museum of American Art, Nueva York (2016); Brooklyn Museum, Nueva York (2016); Dallas Contemporary, Texas (2016); Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York (2014); National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC (2014); Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Alemania (2013); y Bronx Museum of the Arts, Nueva York (2013). La obra de Semmel se encuentra en las colecciones permanentes del Art Institute of Chicago, IL; Brooklyn Museo, Brooklyn, Nueva York; Museo de Arte de Dallas, Dallas, TX; Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo, Boston, MA; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Los Ángeles, CA; el Museo de Arte Moderno, Nueva York, NY; Tate, Londres, Reino Unido; el Museo Whitney de Arte Americano, Nueva York, NY, y muchos otros.
April 20 - May 26, 2022Opening Reception
Wednesday, April 20, 6-8pmLocation
Joan Semmel
Installation Views
All images: Recent Work, 2022, installation views. Photographs by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Recent Work, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Joan Semmel
Vortex, 2020
Oil on canvas
48 x 60 inches
(121.9 x 152.4 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Leg Up, 2020
Oil on canvas
26 x 34 inches
(66 x 86.4 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Curve, 2020
Oil on canvas
36 x 40 x 1 1/2 inches
(91.4 x 101.6 x 3.8 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Holding, 2020
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 x 1 1/2 inches
(76.2 x 61 x 3.8 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Double Breasted, 2020
Oil on canvas
24 x 30 inches
(61 x 76.2 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Lean In, 2020
Oil on canvas
50 x 48 inches
(127 x 121.9 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Red Floor, 2020
Oil on canvas
60 x 72 inches
(152.4 x 182.9 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Pink Lean, 2020
Oil on canvas
48 x 60 inches
(121.9 x 152.4 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Touching Toes, 2019
Oil on canvas
48 x 60 inches
(121.9 x 152.4 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Joined at the Hip, 2021
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches
(72.6 x 61 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
High Five, 2021
Oil on canvas
30 x 30 inches
(76.2 x 76.2 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Joan Semmel
Revisiting, 2018
Oil on canvas
56 x 60 inches
(142.2 x 152.4 cm)
Courtesy of Alexander Gray Associates, New York © 2022, Joan Semmel / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York