Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX
Borna Sammak Go to hell, bitch
Morán Morán is pleased to present Go to hell, bitch, Borna Sammak’s first solo exhibition with the gallery, on view November 9 through January 14, 2023. The seven paintings in the exhibition span from 2018 to 2022 and vary in size from medium to large-scale. These works exemplify Sammak’s expanded notions of painting by employing embroidery, collage, heat transfers, and beach towels to create striking compositions. One additional work sees Sammak returning to a familiar friend: a poster of Jesús Malverde that Sammak found in South Brooklyn in the early 2010s. First exhibited in Hey, You’re Part of It, at JTT in 2018, the piece is now presented in the current exhibition under new terms – shown in Mexico City, and in a different form. Here, we see the “generous bandit” returning home, welcoming us into Sammak’s exhibition as its patron saint.
Borna Sammak (b. 1986, Philadelphia, PA) obtained a BFA from New York University in 2011. Sammak frequently samples from the urban fabric of his everyday surroundings and from the realms of film, television, YouTube, and digital advertising. His installations, videos, and wall-pieces embed and encrypt the material of daily life, splitting and recombining mundane objects and texts, signs, slogans, clothes or cartoons, into compressed metaphors and dense patterns. Through these acts of marriage and juxtaposition, currents of awkwardness, humor, and doom run in parallel. Recent solo exhibitions include America, Nice Place, Dallas Contemporary, Dallas, TX (2022); Beach Towel Paintings B/W Year in Words 4, JTT, New York NY (2021); and MacNamara Art Projects, Hong Kong, organized with Sadie Coles HQ, London, UK (2020). Sammak’s work is included in the permanent collections of Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Norway; The High, High Museum of Art, Atlanta GA; ICA Institute of Contemporary Art Miami, Miami FL; NGV National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; and Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China.
Morán Morán se complace en presentar Go to hell, bitch, la primera exposición individual de Borna Sammak con la galería, que podrá verse del 9 de noviembre al 22 de diciembre de 2022. Las siete pinturas de la exposición abarcan desde 2018 hasta 2022 y varían en tamaño de mediana a gran escala. Estas obras ejemplifican las nociones ampliadas de Sammak de la pintura mediante el empleo de bordados, collage, transferencias de calor y toallas de playa para crear composiciones sorprendentes. En una obra adicional, Sammak regresa a un amigo conocido: un póster de Jesús Malverde que Sammak encontró en el sur de Brooklyn a principios de la década de 2010. Expuesto por primera vez en Hey, You’re Part of It, en JTT, Nueva York, NY en 2018, la pieza se presenta ahora en la exposición actual bajo nuevos términos: se muestra en la Ciudad de México, y en una forma diferente. Aquí, vemos al “bandido generoso” regresar a casa, dándonos la bienvenida a la exposición de Sammak como su patrón.
Borna Sammak (nacido en 1986, Filadelfia, Pensilvania) se licenció en la Universidad de Nueva York en 2011. Sammak suele tomar muestras del tejido urbano de su entorno cotidiano y de los ámbitos del cine, la televisión, YouTube y la publicidad digital. Sus instalaciones, vídeos y piezas murales incrustan y encriptan el material de la vida cotidiana, dividiendo y recombinando objetos y textos mundanos, señales, eslóganes, ropa o dibujos animados, en metáforas comprimidas y patrones densos. A través de estos actos de maridaje y yuxtaposición, corren en paralelo corrientes de incomodidad, humor y perdición. Entre sus exposiciones individuales recientes se encuentran America, Nice Place, Dallas Contemporary, Dallas, TX (2022); Beach Towel Paintings B/W Year in Words 4, JTT, Nueva York NY (2021); y MacNamara Art Projects, Hong Kong, organizada con Sadie Coles HQ, Londres, UK (2020). La obra de Sammak está incluida en las colecciones permanentes de Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Noruega; The High, High Museum of Art, Atlanta GA; ICA Institute of Contemporary Art Miami, Miami FL; NGV National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; y Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China.
November 09 - January 14, 2023Opening Reception
Wednesday, November 9, 6-8pmLocation
Borna Sammak
Installation Views
All images: Go to hell, bitch, 2022, installation views. Photographs by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Installation view
Go to hell, bitch, 2022
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Borna Sammak
Broken Ladder, 2022
Heat applied t-shirt graphics on canvas
94 x 132 inches
(238.8 x 335.3 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Borna Sammak
Not Yet Titled (Yellow), 2022
Heat applied vinyl on canvas, Malverde poster
109 1/4 x 80 inches
(277.5 x 203.2 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Borna Sammak
Not Yet Titled (Purple), 2022
Beach towels and embroidery on canvas
86 1/2 x 73 x 4 3/4 inches
(219.7 x 185.4 x 12 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Borna Sammak
Not Yet Titled (Cargo), 2022
Canvas on canvas, drywall mounts
51 x 41 inches
(129.5 x 104.1 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Borna Sammak
Young Bull, 2022
Embroidery on canvas
30 x 24 1/2 inches
(76.2 x 62.2 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Borna Sammak
Gone Fishing, 2022
Embroidery on canvas
34 x 25 inches
(86.4 x 63.5 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX

Borna Sammak
Not Yet Titled (Slow Poke), 2022
Heat applied t-shirt graphics on canvas
24 x 20 inches
(61 x 50.8 cm)
Photograph by WhiteBalanceMX