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David Benjamin Sherry
Communion (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
42 x 34 inches
(106.7 x 86.4 cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Morán Morán


Morán Morán is pleased to announce New Moon, an exhibition showcasing ten new paintings and three large-scale monochromatic film photographs by American artist David Benjamin Sherry at the gallery’s Mexico City location. This will be the artist’s first solo show in Mexico City and marks his sixth with Morán Morán since his first project with the gallery in 2009. 

David Benjamin Sherry’s artistic journey, spanning two decades of traversing the American West, living in his car, and exploring geological extremes like Death Valley and Glacier National Park — all to capture the immense meeting of elements that have opened eyes to the continent’s immaculate disappearing natural environments, has culminated in his latest works. Since relocating to Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 2021, he has honed his technical skills and channeled his profound understanding of color and form into creating captivating oil paintings on canvas.

These paintings, like his acclaimed photography, offer a unique perspective on landscapes, using vividly colored monochromes to depict natural environments devoid of human presence. This exhibition is a testament to his ongoing exploration of non-lens-based graphic abstractions, manifested in his collection of photograms (2012-2017), published in Pink Genesis.

This shift in Sherry’s material approach also presents a critical recalibration of perspective. Rather than depicting what is directly in front of him, as in his expansive color photographs, Sherry’s latest work presents the natural world as something not only to bear witness to but to be felt: a revelatory event happening to their creator. Pairing these otherworldly, painted mystical abstractions alongside a series of monochromatic, large-scale 8×10 film photographs of billowing cumulus clouds, each bathed in his signature saturated tones, Sherry unites that which is atmospheric, ethereal, and symbolic, ultimately developing a visual language that departs from realism while maintaining a sense of the sublime. 

New Moon, the title of his exhibition, references an astrological event when the moon is between the Earth and the sun in its orbit, causing the moon’s dark side to appear invisible in the sky. This phase marks the beginning of the moon’s cycle, and in this way, Sherry’s work points to the renewal of the self, a rebirth of light after a period of darkness. It is simultaneously about that which is visible to the naked eye and a realm of possibilities that lie in what we cannot see, the frontier between the known and the unknown. 

These new paintings, says Sherry, “are indebted to the color of the photographs and of my time spent looking into the sky and looking into myself, longing for a connection to the universe, looking for answers.” Like the paintings featured in his 2022 exhibition, poignantly titled Gloria, these abstract and minimal landscapes reflect the artist’s desire to communicate an internal sense of landscape, the topography of the mind—a delirium of intangible territory even more challenging to map than any National Park.

David Benjamin Sherry (b. 1981, Stony Brook, NY) currently lives and works in Santa Fe, NM. He received a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design in 2003, and his MFA from Yale University in 2007. His work was included in Lost Line, at LACMA (2013); What Is A Photograph?, at New York’s International Center for Photography (2014); Splitting Light, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (2015); Photography and America’s National Parks, George Eastman Museum, Rochester, NY (2016); and Overgrowth, deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA (2016); All Matterings of Mind: Transcendent Imagery From The Contemporary Collection, The Nasher Museum, Durham, NC (2017); Ansel Adams in Our Time, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA (2018). His work is in permanent collections at The Alfond Collection of Contemporary Art at Rollins College, Cornell Fine Arts Museum, FL; Charles Saatchi Collection, London, UK; Hood Museum of Art, Hanover, NH; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA; Marciano Art Foundation, Los Angeles, CA; The Nasher Museum of Art, Durham, NC; RISD Museum, Providence, RI; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN; Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH; and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY.

Morán Morán se complace en anunciar New Moon, la sexta exposición del artista estadounidense David Benjamin Sherry con la galería desde su primer proyecto en 2009. La muestra marca su debut en la Ciudad de México, donde presenta en esta ocasión un nuevo cuerpo de obra de diez pinturas, y tres fotografías monocromáticas de gran escala.

El recorrido artístico de David Benjamin Sherry abarca dos décadas atravesando el Oeste Americano, viviendo en su coche, y explorando extremos geológicos como el Valle de la Muerte y el Parque Nacional de los Glaciares. El motivo de captar la inmensa reunión de elementos, los cuales nos abren los ojos frente a la desaparición de los inmaculados entornos naturales del continente, ha culminado en sus más recientes obras. Desde que se trasladó en 2021 a Santa Fe, Nuevo México, ha perfeccionado sus habilidades técnicas, y canalizado su profundo conocimiento tanto del color como de la forma, en el desarrollo de cautivadoras pinturas al óleo sobre lienzo.

Éstas, al igual que su aclamada práctica fotográfica, ofrecen una perspectiva única de los paisajes, por medio de vivos monocromos representando entornos naturales libres de presencia humana. Esta exposición es un testimonio de su continua exploración de las abstracciones gráficas sin lente, manifestada en su colección de fotogramas (2012-2017), publicada bajo el título Pink Genesis en 2022.

Esta incorporación matérica pictórica de Sherry, también supone una recalibración crítica de la perspectiva. En lugar de captar lo que está directamente frente a él, como en sus amplias fotografías a color, su último cuerpo de obra presenta el mundo natural no sólo como un testimonio, sino como algo que hay que sentir: un suceso revelador que acompaña a su creador. Combinando estas místicas abstracciones con una serie de fotografías de nubes ondulentes, (creadas en película 8 x 10, cada una bañada en sus característicos tonos saturados de magenta, cian y amarillo) Sherry une lo atmosférico, lo etéreo y lo simbólico para desarrollar un lenguaje visual que se aleja del realismo al par que mantiene un sentido de lo sublime.

El título de su exposición, New Moon, hace referencia a un fenómeno astrológico en el que la luna se encuentra entre la Tierra y el Sol en su órbita, lo que provoca que su lado oscuro aparezca invisible en el cielo. Esta fase marca el comienzo del ciclo lunar y, con este mismo matiz, la obra de Sherry apunta a la renovación del ser, a un renacimiento de la luz tras un periodo de oscuridad. Se refiere simultáneamente a lo que es visible a simple vista, y a un reino de posibilidades que yace en lo que no podemos ver, la frontera entre lo conocido y lo desconocido.

Estas nuevas pinturas, señala Sherry, «heredan del color de las fotografías y del tiempo que pasé mirando al cielo y mirándome a mí mismo, anhelando una conexión con el universo, buscando respuestas». Al igual que los cuadros de su exposición de 2022, titulada Gloria, estos paisajes abstractos y minimalistas reflejan el deseo del artista de comunicar un sentido interno del paisaje, la topografía de la mente: un delirio de territorio intangible aún más difícil de cartografiar que cualquier Parque Nacional.


June 26 - July 27, 2024

Opening Reception

Wednesday, June 26, 2024





Installation Views

All images: New Moon, 2024, installation views. Courtesy of Morán Morán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán

Installation view
New Moon, 2024
Courtesy of Morán Morán
Photograph by Natanael Guzmán


David Benjamin Sherry
Cloud III (Coyote, New Mexico), 2024
Dye sub on aluminium
48 x 67 1/4 x 2 inches, framed
(121.9 x 170.8 x 5.1 cm, framed)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Cloud II (Cañones, New Mexico), 2024
Dye sub on aluminium
48 x 67 1/4 x 2 inches, framed
(121.9 x 170.8 x 5.1 cm, framed)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Cloud I (Abiquiú, New Mexico), 2024
Dye sub on aluminium
67 1/4 x 48 x 2 inches, framed
(170.8 x 121.9 x 5.1 cm, framed)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Communion (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
42 x 34 inches
(106.7 x 86.4 cm)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Genesis (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
40 x 32 inches
(101.6 x 81.3 cm)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Come down to us (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
38 x 24 inches
(96.5 x 61 cm)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Metamorphosis (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
38 x 24 in
96.5 x 61 cm
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Contact, February 12, (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
38 x 24 inches
(96.5 x 61 cm)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Rising (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
32 x 28 inches
(81.3 x 71.1 cm)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Me and you under a Bayer Moon (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
32 x 24 inches
(81.3 x 61 cm)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
New Moon (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
30 x 22 inches
(76.2 x 55.9 cm)
Courtesy of Morán Morán

David Benjamin Sherry
Spring wind (New Mexico), 2024
Oil on canvas
26 x 20 inches
(66 x 50.8 cm)
Courtesy of Morán Morán