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  • Date: AUGUST 2, 2021
  • Format: DIGITAL

Borna Sammak, Year in Words 4 (2021), via JTT

Comprising a series of collaged beach towel paintings, and an installation of tangled screens and circuit boards that proffer snippets of a year of digital discourse, Borna Sammak’s new exhibition taps into the overwhelming experience of this particular summertime. Large beach towel paintings are meticulously pieced together and embroidered to create bright scenes that nod to fun beach textiles – leopards, unicorns, impossibly giant fruit bowls. The hues sharp, and composition garish and crowded, there is also something threatening about these works. The towels are the logical next step to Sammak’s packaged flip-flops, each ‘Not Yet Titled’ as though produced in a flippant or frenzied state.

Uncle Sam’s fight for the ‘Gay Agenda’ marks the focal point for Sammak’s epic display of wires and plug sockets that maps out B/W Year in Words 4. Sprawling across 2 walls, contextless memes and clickbait headlines glow flatly on LED screens, like a visual rendering of ADHD and an intoxicating snapshot of our online brains. Beach Towel Paintings B/W Year in Words 4 is open at JTT New York until August 6th.

Borna Sammak, Year in Words 4 (detail) (2021), via JTT

Borna Sammak, Beach Towel Paintings B/W Year in Words 4 (Installation View), via JTT

Borna Sammak, Not Yet Titled, 2021. Beach towel and embroidery on canvas, 50 x 38 inches. Photography by Charles Benton. Courtesy of the artist and JTT, New York.